Maryland homeowners, like many other homeowners across the United States are finding out that after a catastrophic weather event they did not have adequate homeowners insurance to cover the damages incurred. It is a very sad situation for these homeowners to find out that their insurance company is not going to pay in certain instances, and they thought that they were secure in the knowledge that if any damages were done to their home or personal possessions they would be reimbursed.
All homeowner policies from all companies work on the same basis by offering an extensive list of coverage on a standard policy. If certain damages are not listed on the policy, in black and white, you must consider them uncovered issues. Flood damages from hurricanes in Maryland are another example. There is no standard homeowner’s policy that will pay for flood damages from a hurricane. As a Maryland homeowner you need to be aware that if you want to insure your home for items not listed on your standard policy then you must buy a separate policy, such as a flood policy.
A separate flood insurance policy is not cheap through any company, so if you reside further inland in Maryland and feel there is no risk for flood damage you should consider if you want this added expense. Be aware though, this type of thinking can give you a false sense of security that water damage is not going to touch your home should a hurricane occur, as flooding has happened far inland in Maryland.
If you do not have flood coverage and hear that a serious hurricane is on its way and you are right in its path, do not rush and sign up for flood insurance, because it is already too late, as there is a 30 day waiting period. Call your independent agent today for a flood policy quote.