Wake Up! Tips For Driving In Washington Dc

Driving in Washington DC can be difficult. There are a lot of drivers on the road, even during non-peak times. With all of this traffic, you have to make sure you are always awake and alert when behind the wheel.

You have to be conscious of just how awake you are before driving. If you are doing a lot of yawning or are fighting to stay awake, you don’t want to drive anywhere, even if it’s just down the road.

Here are some tips to help you when you need to wake up when driving.

  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep prior to getting behind the wheel
  • Take a break approximately every 100 miles
  • During long trips, split the driving responsibilities with another person
  • Pull off the highway and nap at a rest stop to avoid falling asleep at the wheel

Don’t be one of the statistics. There are about 60% of drivers who say they have driven while they are drowsy and about 37% of them have fallen asleep. Men are more likely to drive when drowsy than women, and many shift workers will drive drowsy.

This means there are a lot of sleepy people on the roads of Washington DC and you don’t want to be one of them. You need a good auto insurance policy to protect yourself against what could happen in an accident.

The best way to prevent an accident, however, is to stay awake. When you are alert, you can avoid a number of accidents, even against those who are drowsy. Use your horn and wake others up if you have to.

Call and talk to one of our insurance agents today. We can help you to find the best auto insurance policy and get quotes to help you with making comparisons.