Keep Your Pets Safe During The Summer In Laurel

Living in Laurel, Maryland can be a lot of fun. Regardless of what kind of home you have, you may have pets. During the summer, you want to do all that you can in order to keep your pets as safe and as healthy as can be.

Dehydration can be a dangerous thing. The hottest times of the day are when you need to keep your pet inside. If you enjoy exercising with your pet at your side, do so during the early morning or late evening hours. Whenever you do take your pet outside, especially for long walks, bring a bottle of water for them to drink and remember to relax in the shade from time to time.

Whenever you are outside, you have shoes on as a way of keeping your feet clean and well protected. You need to do the same thing for your pets. The hot concrete can be very hot on the delicate pads of dogs and cats. There are adhesive pads, booties, and other forms of protection that you can purchase for your pet.

Ensure that your pets have access to plenty of clean water during the summer, whether they stay inside or outside. You can also mix in some wet food when you feed them dry food because this has approximately 70% water. It is an extra tip that can help them stay hydrated.

Some of the other things that you can do to keep your pet safe include:

  • Never leave them in a parked car
  • Use life vests on a boat
  • Get them on heartworm medication

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