Is Your Maryland Home Protected? 4 Tips

You work hard to make sure your family is always safe, but have you taken extra precautions around your home in case of an unexpected incident? Here are four tips for protecting your Maryland home against disaster.

Tip #1: Make Sure You Have a Plan

One of the easiest ways to ensure your home is protected against and unexpected disaster is by simply having a plan. Discuss with your family the easiest ways to escape during a fire and what to do if you are separated during a natural disaster. Keep a list of emergency contacts handy for use in an extreme circumstance. By simply having the conversation, you can help ensure everyone stays safe in the event of a crisis.

Tip #2: Have Emergency Lighting in Every Room

In case of an emergency, you will also want to have emergency lighting options in every room. This can include flashlights, candles, matches, or whatever else you need to illuminate the space in the event of an incident. If you are utilizing anything that takes batteries, make sure you also have extras stored alongside. Keeping these items spread out is crucial, as it prevents you from having to dig for them in a closet or drawer in the event of a crisis scenario.

Tip #3: Purchase a Fire Extinguisher

Having a fire extinguisher on hand is another way to keep your home and family safe. While most emergency service teams will respond in only a few minutes, that crucial time period between being able to put out the flames yourself or incurring more damage can be important.

Tip #4: Have the Right Level of Insurance Coverage

Another way to protect your home and family is by having the right level of property insurance coverage. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we work with our clients to review their current homeowner’s insurance coverage and determine whether or not it meets their financial needs and lifestyle. Please contact us today for further information.